2009年6月30日(火) 、オランダのアムステルダムで開催された、第25回ヨーロッパ生殖医学会(ESHRE)のMain Scientific
Program にて、ゲストスピーカーとして口頭発表してきました。
(松本 亜樹子)
*ESHREのウェブサイトはこちら ⇒ 
Working together to improve quality: JISART a Japanese example
Akiko Matsumoto
Patient leader, Fertility Information Network (JAPAN) |
Japan’s birthrate has been declining, 1.34 per 1,000 in 2007, similar to Western Europe.
Under these circumstances, the role of ART has become more important. According
to a survey by The Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (JSOG),
one out of 56 babies born in Japan in 2006 was born through ART treatment.
It is estimated that 470 thousands out of 1.2 million infertile couples
are receiving infertility treatment in Japan. As the number of couples
seeking treatment increased, the number of ART clinics also increased in
Japan. In 2006, 575 clinics were registered in JSOG, the largest number
in the world, and they performed nearly 135,000 cycles of ART. While the
growing number of clinics is positive, the absence of criteria for selection
has become one of the most serious issues for patients. Amazingly, in February
2009 a doctor in a public hospital in Kagawa prefecture transferred another
patient’s embryos into a woman who subsequently conceived.
Because of the large number of clinics, the quality of ART clinics varies widely, but it is almost impossible for Japanese patients to assess the quality of treatment. So JISART (Japanese Institutions for Standardizing Assisted Reproductive Technology) clinic accreditation inspection was implemented for the first time in Japan to improve the quality of ART in collaboration with concerned patients and medical professionals. JISART was founded in 2003 to improve the quality of ART by implementing a quality management system (QMS) in Japan. Currently, 20 major ART clinics, which perform nearly one fifth of the total number of ART procedures in Japan, participate in JISART.
This was the first clinic accreditation inspection held in Japan. It is particularly worth noting that auditors included not only medical professionals, but also “patient representatives”, granted equal rights among other auditors. The inspection team is comprised of six members of medical professionals and a patient. Each applicant clinic is assessed by a team against nearly 300 items on check lists based on the JISART code of practice. The patient representative assesses facility and equipment, documentation, systems and emotional support provided by the clinic. However, the most important information gathering is the interview with patients receiving treatment at the clinic. In this way the team can directly hear their opinions and experience, and reflect them in the assessment.
This is mandatory in order to “improve patients’ satisfaction”, which is JISART’s ultimate goal. However, this is all meaningless if patients do not understand what clinics hope to achieve by these efforts. I believe the benefit to both clinics and patients is highly significant when patients are fully apprised of the rationale behind the process. All patients visiting the facility should be satisfied. Therefore, the selection of patients for interview is very important to keep the inspection procedure fair. JISART’s policy “to focus on patients’ satisfaction” appears to be very much welcomed by patients.
Because the patient representative has the same rights as the other inspection team members, even a single item of nonconformance in the patient assessment section could lead to re-evaluation. This is only possible when there is a confidential relationship between patients and medical professionals and demonstrates the strong commitment of JISART to pursue “quality improvement of clinics”. Despite initial concern that such inspection programmes would face many difficulties in the specific climate of medical settings in Japan, where patients tend to hesitate to ask their doctor about treatments, Fertility Information Network: Fine, and JISART, have successfully marked their 5th year in 2009.
In this presentation I will introduce the importance of external assessment of ART clinics and the great significance of patients’ involvement in an accreditation programme.